Saturday, October 15, 2005

Best Sense

Everyone knows that people have 5 senses in which they can experience life and all that jazz.

They are smell, touch, hearing, seeing and taste. People uses these senses almost everyday of their life unless tragedy robs a person of the ability to use one or more of them.

Although most people tend to forget how important and vital these senses truly are. They are taken for granted and become just another things to be used and not really appreciated and it is a shame when you think about it.

I ask you to take a moment and just rate the senses in order of importance and thinks of which senses you think are most valuable to a person.

This would be mine

  1. Hearing
  2. Seeing
  3. Touch
  4. Smell
  5. Taste

Yes, I put hearing first. Most people might claim that SEEING should be first but I believe this to be false.

Seeing is a sense which can be turned off by closing your eyes and isn't used when you are asleep. Purely from a protective stand point you would be in trouble if you had just seeing to relay on, because when you close your eyes or sleep you would be vulnerable to danger. Seeing doesn't work nearly as well at night either. You can see shapes and movement at best and even then it is easily comprised if your nightvision gets disturbed. Seeing only works over a limited area. You can only look in one direction at a time and have to move your head to get a glimpse of everything that could bring harm.

Hearing, on the otherhand, can not be turned off unless you take rather drastic measure such as stuffing your ears with wax or what not and even then it isn't always completely off. Hearing also work from all directions. If you hear a sound behind you then you can usually figure out where the sound came from which is what helps you locate a friend calling your name in a crowd of people. Most people will even close there eyes in order to let hearing help even better to identify or pinpoint a sound. If you are sleeping and the fire alarm goes off, you will know your in danger. All while your eyes don't even have to be opened. Sound can travel threw objects and walls but you can't see through walls. So hearing is more beneficial because if someone was knocking at your door it would be from hearing the knock that you would know they were their, rather then seeing them knocking.

Hearing has no hindrance in daytime or nighttime. It works all the time and even in your sleep. This is extremely good proof I think that hearing is much more significant than seeing.

In the end they compliment each other but simply from a comparative state. Hearing takes the cake.

Sounds are very powerful. Songs can bring joy and tears, sounds can trigger fond memories while others can remind us of tragic ones. Sound can be used to see unborn children and to move air molecules so that your voice travels from person to person. So I ask you to take the time and use your greatest sense and enjoy all the sounds life truly has to offer.

If you have any other comments or feel I am wrong I would love to hear your comments. Have a great day.