Friday, September 02, 2005

Logic Defined...Kinda

What is logic? Websters would define logic like this.

  1. The study of the principles of reasoning, especially of the structure of propositions as distinguished from their content and of method and validity in deductive reasoning.
  2. A system of reasoning: Aristotle's logic.
  3. A mode of reasoning: By that logic, we should sell the company tomorrow.
  4. The formal, guiding principles of a discipline, school, or science.

So which one of these definitions is right or are any of them truly right? The human mind is an extremely unique and still vastly unknown to the medical and scientific world.

We have very little idea how memories are stored, what controls instinct and senses. They can pinpoint sections that most likely control certain points and which chemicals are associated with some emotions but full understanding of how it works it still far far off.

I think logic is not relative but applies differently to everyone depending on culture, upbringing, tramatic events in their life, and a host of other situations, as well as what sex you are, and sexual orientation.

A few examples are this.

What compels one person to kill another? What logic is there for this action?

It could be self defense, jealousy, or some other reason but something takes place in the mind for it to be justified and overwhelm ethics and morals that should be screaming to the person "This is not right!" That is not always the case. Maybe they grew up in a hostile environment and feel you do what you do to survive no matter what.

There are some that would never want to cause harm at all. How can two people have stuff different definitions of the logic to do about murder? Obviously logic is warped here to a great extent.

Another example is religion. So many different beliefs and differences it is amazing anyone can even decide on just one. Most religions believe that you arent supposed to kill yet still can justify it with actions like criminal punishments, holy wars, self-defense, etc. How can a belief that says you should not kill yet still be able to do it be a logical?

It is isnt to me.

Men and women have enourmous differense in logic. Women tend to say one thing and mean another. They also try to read deeper into what men say then what a man intended. A man says one things and usually means just that while the woman thinks he is implying other things. A man doesnt always get deep and tries to keep things simple and figures the women understand but we come full circle and never solve anything. How is it men and women think so differently? Men and women are soo different they rarely get along for long periods of time.

It is simply amazing that the human race has such complete and totally different ways of thinking. So what is logic really?

Logic is merely the way you make decisions based on how your raised, where, when, how, sex, and thousand of others minute differences. There is no clear rules that bind us. Logic is useless as a whole because no one ever thinks exactly they same way.

If this is true though how is anyone can ever get along at all? Really I have no clue. Maybe it is just another great mystery of life that even though we never understand what people do what we do. It is amazing we haven't already killed each other off when you really think about it. Yet somehow we are still here although we could easily wipe ourselves out these days.

There is another logical quiz for you as I end. Where is the logic in humans who have so little logic to create weapons of mass destruction that will certainly wipe us out totally and completely? Someone's logic was flawed when they came up with that idea.

Well if at the very least maybe I made you think about the ways of the world. Maybe simply understanding that people are soooo different will give us all a little more chance to unite closer and better and just keep our logic confined and respect that everyone is truly different in all respects.

1 comment:

Abigail S. said...

Wow! That's a LONG post!

So true about men and women. And even though I know that guys think differently, I still can't stop myself from reading into things! The curse of being female!