Monday, February 27, 2006


Nothing too witty or smart today just a few things of what is going on with me. Currently I am going to school at Junior College working on business degree. I have already graduated from a technical school for electronic technology. Pretty much I could work on anything that has anything to do with electronics from house wiring to repair cell phones. I actually learned how to make a stun gun out of disposable camera's in school. Isn't knowledge cool?

Computers are my passion though. I have built my last 3 computers. All of which I still have. I wouldn't dare buy a pre-built from a company ever again like dell or whatever. Just too much hassle dealing with the tech support that isn't really helpful and too much trouble to have to send the thing off to have it repaired. You might say "Oh there is the Geek Squad these days!"
Well I would advise against that unless your really desperate. I have heard a few scary things about those geeks. Such as them trying to pull out video cards with out first removing the retaining screws. Ick! That would be painful to watch as much as imagine. I would eventually like to start my own business doing computer repair and possibly a little retail for computer parts in the town I live in.

For those that care, my divorce from the wicked witch is just about final. I will get the 15 days out of every month which comes out to 6 months out of the year. I have to pay 175 dollars in child support to the witch but I plan to come back and fight that when I am more settled. For those first time readers please note that I do not judge me to harshly by my referring to my ex. As a witch. Just is hard for me to think nicely about her when the last few years of your life had felt like Jerry Springer Episode. She might not be a bad person but to me that is what she has become. Anyways back on topic. I made out pretty well for a father to get so many days straight off especially in Texas which is very hard to win against a mother in. It is a good stepping stone for when I come back for more later though so I can't complain too much.

My children are getting smarter and bigger every day. I hate that I can be with them every day to play with them and read them bedtime stories. Be able to kiss them good night every single night everything a full time father is supposed to be able to do. It always makes me mad when I think about how much the wicked witch is depriving me of simply because she wasn't happy with our marriage. Her decision divided my time with my children and it is hardly fair that I should have to suffer for that. Guess I am preaching from my soap box now but that is just how I feel. It is just one of those things I guess.

Well, can't think of anything else to say at the moment. So have a great day and feel free to post comments as always.

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