Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Newton's Law of Attraction applied to Personality Flaws

People sometimes tend to hide themselves and do this quite a deal more often online. We have a habit of not liking to admit our flaws. This might be because it makes us feels like failures or inadequate but that is hardly the case. Those flaws are just a part of whom we are and should just be accepted as to how things are.
There isn't any cosmetic surgery that can change or improve bad habits or personality traits that are undesirable.
Why do people fear to let others know exactly what so-called flaws they are?
Society might be partially to blame as the desire to find perfection becomes more all consuming. I think it is time that people start re-evaluating there life and traits.  Just because you think you have some flaw might not be all that might and doesn't mean that it is a weakness.
I, for example, think I suffer from laziness and procrastinate to much while those certainly can have the negative effects they are not flaws. It simply just how I am most comfortable operating. I might still have those qualities but when given the chance you can learn to prepare for them and use them to your advantage.  Some martial arts teach you to use your enemies strength against themselves in order to win a battle. Well I am suggesting you use your so called flaws against the enemies of yourself to turn them into advantages.
This may be easier said then done but there are always two sides of a coin so for every negative there is about something there is an equal and opposite positive. This is the nature of the universe.  Newton defined the laws of attraction himself and they tend to be rather universal. So why not be able to apply them to personality traits.
Laziness might cause you to be untidy but it could just be your body saying you need to take more breaks and not work so hard. It might also be your sub-conscious way of remind you to not let things get untidy so that you don't have to fight your laziness. 
Selfish is supposedly a bad thing but some things are worth being selfish over. If you just worked all day to make a cake for yourself, then you should have to fill guilty about not sharing it. That is a symbol of your hard work to treating yourself. I feel that people should actually give themselves a chance to be selfish. Giving and helping others is good and fine but you can't let forget to be true to yourself and just take time to have some "ME" time. I would say you should be selfish over your significant others as well.
I know some might say "Oh we have an open relationship."  That is all good for you all but I think being selfish over the one you love is a noble and great symbol of love. Your saying that you care for someone so much that you don't want to share that special intimates except with the one you cherish the most.
I remember a story about a home education class. A speaker had come to class one day and passed around a rose. She encourage each person to examine it and look over it, which they did and passed around the class of 30 or so people.  Now roses like any flowers are fragile and if you have 30 people passing it around prodding and examining it. It will start to wilt and petals might fall off and the steam might break.
Once the rose reach the speaker again it didn't look nearly as lovely and pretty as it did when it had started.  She related that flower to love. If you pass it around too much it tends to wilt and break and lose some of the qualities that make it cherished. I think this also demonstrates a good way to be selfish about your loved one.
I am sure if you really think about yourself and what your so called flaws are you might discover that they are not as bad as you once thought. Try to see the positive in those flaws because they are there. So embrace them and make them work for you.

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