Tuesday, May 17, 2005


ANGER is an emotion and and extremely powerful one. Thousands of things can make us angry but usually it is small and it quickly fades. There are times when that anger is much more powerful and devastate. Times when it threatened to consume all that is good and right in one's soul. It tears down walls meant to stop it and masks to hide it. It takes on a life of it's own feeding off you soul and stealing your will power and strength. It attacks you viciously and directly and violently. It is unrelenting and painful, it makes you cringe and weep like a baby seeking to only deprive you of any happiness that you might wish to have. There is no weapon forged by man that can fight this destructive force that eats souls and joy. Anger is not really a weapon but a FLAME meant to completely purge and wipe away hate and evil that has invaded one's soul and create a new slate where you can rewrite the past and make a new future for yourself with out the blemish that had come close to destroying what you were and would be. There don't fight your anger. Let it work and burn threw your soul. Let it reforge you in a wave of super hot heat and cleanse your soul. Don't go crazy but let it burn threw completely. Allow it to seek out and purify any impurities that have been gathered. Anger only destroys the thing that is bring despair and sorrow to your life. Anger is the way you bring those things into check and take control of your life. Anger is how you decide to not let the world and people to march over and help you stand up and yell "I am back! So stand out of my way." It is the inspiration of those who have fought a battle and been freshly forged into a stronger and more powerful weapon to cut down all the ties that seek to bind you. This is ANGER so use it to control your life and not let the world control and destroy yours with despair and sorrow.

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