Monday, May 16, 2005


People believe you can accomplish anything with faith. There have been studies that show that prayer really can have a positive effect on things. Faith is something that gives those struggling the hope to endure those troubled times. It makes living life a little easier having a faith that things will be ok if you merely believe. Not all people believe in GOD but there are undeniable proof that great things can be done with faith. Whether is magic or a supreme being looking out for us it is something that can be found and used for good. Faith in something that doesnt exist isnt always easy. It is sometimes like a magic doing card tricks. You know that it is a trick that has a secret that we don't see and it is merely our minds making the illusion real. If it looks real to us though, doesnt that make the magic just as real. Remember even the best illusion is merely a trick that has been practiced to fool your mind. Maybe faith is similar in sense. It is an illusion in which your mind can make real. So always believe in yourself and you will always succeeded becuase you have done your own magic and made it so already.

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