Saturday, May 14, 2005


The internet is a place full of information and an answer to almost anything can be found there. People go online to do research, chat, find love, play games, look for porn, get music, etc. But the biggest thing about the internet is the anonymity. Anyone can become whatever they want. They can change from old lonely people into young handsome men and search of women. Plain ordinary ladies can change into stunning super models that are the envy of all men. People can reveal only what they want to share and become something they are not. It is amazing how different one person can seem from who they attempt to appear to be. It is sometimes extremely difficult to tell if anyone is for real or if nobody is who they appear. It is an interesting question.

Can you really make someone believe you are something your not? I mean logically you cant change who you are so completely and just turn it off and on like a switch. You can probably pretend but aren't most people smart enough to see when someone is being genuine and when someone else is merely acting. Even in a movie we know the actors aren't really who they appear to be. Yes the performances are very brilliant and compelling sometimes but you still know that those people aren't truly the person they pretend to be. There is always an aura or presence that a person reveals no matter what they say that gives hints into a persons true nature. Maybe some people just aren't as attuned to notice or they simply disregard it as foolishness. I think it is more like instinct warning us about who they are. I believe humans are bad at forgetting to listen to instincts more often. We believe ourselves civilized and superior creatures and forgetting that we still know very little about the true nature of the universe we live in. We are just beginning to understand how things on the planet work and no where near being able to solve huge problems threatening to destroy everything. People are becoming very good at living virtual lives. Lives that aren't really who they truly are but who they want to appear to be. I think it is time we start getting back and listening to those feelings and built in ability to tell from right and wrong to start guiding people as a whole and stop playing make believe with who they really are. Honesty is always the greatest key to success in my opinion.

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