Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The Dance

Life is the most precious and cherished thing that everyone has. Some people say Life is an adventure, others believe it is a journey, or a trip to true enlightenment, some might even say it is a living hell. This world is full of so many incredible things and so many wonders and experiences that can be shared and learned from. Yet life is hard even when it is joyful. Life is a gift to be held onto and experience. Some people let the world bring them down and deprive them of their own decision to choose to live. Life can be extremely painful and hard to endure but for every single bad thing that happens there is another that come along and make you completely forget if not briefly of all the pain and despair that has been built up. There are so many things that can be experience and things that no one should miss out out. There are experiences that move and change people's very souls. Whether it is standing on the peak of Mount Everest and know that you are standing on the very highest tip of the world or you are scuba diving looking at millions of exotic sea creatures and how they interact with each other. Maybe it is studying history and you realize that for thousands of years people were working with simple technology using swords and knives to hunt and get food and look back and see that in the last 200 years and see we went from the knives to nuclear weapons, from riding horses to building ships that can travel to the moon and back. Why is it people can't seem to understand what an amazing achievement that is?

Life is an amazing thing to just learn about and there are those that actually wish to get rid of it. It doesn't make sense. As you might have noticed from the title. I believe Life is a dance. Yes just like the song that Garth Brooks sang. He sings about things like saying he could have have miss the pain of parts of his life but he would have to give up so much more in order to do that.

Life is all about the pain and the joy that you can experience because you can never truly value the joy until you have endured the pain and the hardships that have brought you to that point. Life is usually bittersweet. It has some very bitter and sour moments but when the sweet part comes along it is such an awesome and incredible feeling that you are completely overwhelmed with pleasure and gratefulness at the experience. I have felt the pain of losing someone I love very deeply. I would have done anything to avoid feeling that kind of torture and pain in my life because I feel like it is ruining my life sometimes but if I had missed that torture then I wouldn't have had my two very beautiful children who bring me more joy and pleasure then any pain I experience. I look forward to every single moment I have to spend with them and watching them grow and become more beautiful every day.

Life is a dance that is better left to chance. I could have missed the pain but I would have to missed the dance. I could have changed everything if I had known how everything would happen but I would be depriving myself of the true joy and happiness that would be to come. So I say to you never plan for the future and let each day be a new one. Search under every rock for new experiences. Try something you would never imagine you could do. Don't let life pass you by or waste it by feeling sorry for yourself. There are too many things in the world that can be pleasant and joyful to waste. Never regret your choices you make because no matter the consequences there will always be a silver lining that will be found and show you the true joy of life. Your life is your to be whatever you like but don't avoid the hard parts. Do not take the easy way. Experience all the good and bad that this life has for you because in the end it is all simply a dance. A dance that last a brief while and then is over and all that is left is faint memories of what it was like. Don't sit out of the dance because your scared or your worried you will look silly. Just dance for the joy of living. Life's a dance that you learn as you go and don't expect to be prepared for everything. Sink or swim you have to give it a whirl. There are times when you lead and others when you follow but never sit still. Good luck to everyone and have fun.

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