Saturday, October 15, 2005

Best Sense

Everyone knows that people have 5 senses in which they can experience life and all that jazz.

They are smell, touch, hearing, seeing and taste. People uses these senses almost everyday of their life unless tragedy robs a person of the ability to use one or more of them.

Although most people tend to forget how important and vital these senses truly are. They are taken for granted and become just another things to be used and not really appreciated and it is a shame when you think about it.

I ask you to take a moment and just rate the senses in order of importance and thinks of which senses you think are most valuable to a person.

This would be mine

  1. Hearing
  2. Seeing
  3. Touch
  4. Smell
  5. Taste

Yes, I put hearing first. Most people might claim that SEEING should be first but I believe this to be false.

Seeing is a sense which can be turned off by closing your eyes and isn't used when you are asleep. Purely from a protective stand point you would be in trouble if you had just seeing to relay on, because when you close your eyes or sleep you would be vulnerable to danger. Seeing doesn't work nearly as well at night either. You can see shapes and movement at best and even then it is easily comprised if your nightvision gets disturbed. Seeing only works over a limited area. You can only look in one direction at a time and have to move your head to get a glimpse of everything that could bring harm.

Hearing, on the otherhand, can not be turned off unless you take rather drastic measure such as stuffing your ears with wax or what not and even then it isn't always completely off. Hearing also work from all directions. If you hear a sound behind you then you can usually figure out where the sound came from which is what helps you locate a friend calling your name in a crowd of people. Most people will even close there eyes in order to let hearing help even better to identify or pinpoint a sound. If you are sleeping and the fire alarm goes off, you will know your in danger. All while your eyes don't even have to be opened. Sound can travel threw objects and walls but you can't see through walls. So hearing is more beneficial because if someone was knocking at your door it would be from hearing the knock that you would know they were their, rather then seeing them knocking.

Hearing has no hindrance in daytime or nighttime. It works all the time and even in your sleep. This is extremely good proof I think that hearing is much more significant than seeing.

In the end they compliment each other but simply from a comparative state. Hearing takes the cake.

Sounds are very powerful. Songs can bring joy and tears, sounds can trigger fond memories while others can remind us of tragic ones. Sound can be used to see unborn children and to move air molecules so that your voice travels from person to person. So I ask you to take the time and use your greatest sense and enjoy all the sounds life truly has to offer.

If you have any other comments or feel I am wrong I would love to hear your comments. Have a great day.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Logic Defined...Kinda

What is logic? Websters would define logic like this.

  1. The study of the principles of reasoning, especially of the structure of propositions as distinguished from their content and of method and validity in deductive reasoning.
  2. A system of reasoning: Aristotle's logic.
  3. A mode of reasoning: By that logic, we should sell the company tomorrow.
  4. The formal, guiding principles of a discipline, school, or science.

So which one of these definitions is right or are any of them truly right? The human mind is an extremely unique and still vastly unknown to the medical and scientific world.

We have very little idea how memories are stored, what controls instinct and senses. They can pinpoint sections that most likely control certain points and which chemicals are associated with some emotions but full understanding of how it works it still far far off.

I think logic is not relative but applies differently to everyone depending on culture, upbringing, tramatic events in their life, and a host of other situations, as well as what sex you are, and sexual orientation.

A few examples are this.

What compels one person to kill another? What logic is there for this action?

It could be self defense, jealousy, or some other reason but something takes place in the mind for it to be justified and overwhelm ethics and morals that should be screaming to the person "This is not right!" That is not always the case. Maybe they grew up in a hostile environment and feel you do what you do to survive no matter what.

There are some that would never want to cause harm at all. How can two people have stuff different definitions of the logic to do about murder? Obviously logic is warped here to a great extent.

Another example is religion. So many different beliefs and differences it is amazing anyone can even decide on just one. Most religions believe that you arent supposed to kill yet still can justify it with actions like criminal punishments, holy wars, self-defense, etc. How can a belief that says you should not kill yet still be able to do it be a logical?

It is isnt to me.

Men and women have enourmous differense in logic. Women tend to say one thing and mean another. They also try to read deeper into what men say then what a man intended. A man says one things and usually means just that while the woman thinks he is implying other things. A man doesnt always get deep and tries to keep things simple and figures the women understand but we come full circle and never solve anything. How is it men and women think so differently? Men and women are soo different they rarely get along for long periods of time.

It is simply amazing that the human race has such complete and totally different ways of thinking. So what is logic really?

Logic is merely the way you make decisions based on how your raised, where, when, how, sex, and thousand of others minute differences. There is no clear rules that bind us. Logic is useless as a whole because no one ever thinks exactly they same way.

If this is true though how is anyone can ever get along at all? Really I have no clue. Maybe it is just another great mystery of life that even though we never understand what people do what we do. It is amazing we haven't already killed each other off when you really think about it. Yet somehow we are still here although we could easily wipe ourselves out these days.

There is another logical quiz for you as I end. Where is the logic in humans who have so little logic to create weapons of mass destruction that will certainly wipe us out totally and completely? Someone's logic was flawed when they came up with that idea.

Well if at the very least maybe I made you think about the ways of the world. Maybe simply understanding that people are soooo different will give us all a little more chance to unite closer and better and just keep our logic confined and respect that everyone is truly different in all respects.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Essence of my LIFE.

My life, my soul, my very essence is in turmoil. Most days I hide the pain and fear and anger well but I am always tormented, struggling and deeply depressed in how my life is going. I feel great overwhelming and very destructive despair and depression always threatening to consume me. It makes me feel worthless and begin to start believing life is not worth living. It is becomes on constant battle to find reason to keep going and to try to fight this battle of life. There are very few that can sooth my soul and give me reason to go on for one more minute or more day and one more week but always chasing and perusing me close at my heels is that despair and pain seeking to consume what little of myself I still have. I try to hide from it and run from it and overcome it. I can win small battles but small is all they are and each time I push it back from me. It comes crashing back down on me even harder laughing and gloating reminding me that I am losing. It seeks to not only destroy my life but to make me suffer every single day with out end. It doesn't tire or give up but only continues so long as I am breathing. Each day the struggle gets harder and my willpower being drained little by little. I try to hold on it but it is like water threw your fingers. How long before I run dry? How long before I simply give up? How much more until I completely lose control and become the evil that is threatening to consume me?

I don't know where to run or to hide to escape and fear that I may never win this battle to continue. I only know that I will lose if I do not find that secret weapon to overcome this pain.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The Dance

Life is the most precious and cherished thing that everyone has. Some people say Life is an adventure, others believe it is a journey, or a trip to true enlightenment, some might even say it is a living hell. This world is full of so many incredible things and so many wonders and experiences that can be shared and learned from. Yet life is hard even when it is joyful. Life is a gift to be held onto and experience. Some people let the world bring them down and deprive them of their own decision to choose to live. Life can be extremely painful and hard to endure but for every single bad thing that happens there is another that come along and make you completely forget if not briefly of all the pain and despair that has been built up. There are so many things that can be experience and things that no one should miss out out. There are experiences that move and change people's very souls. Whether it is standing on the peak of Mount Everest and know that you are standing on the very highest tip of the world or you are scuba diving looking at millions of exotic sea creatures and how they interact with each other. Maybe it is studying history and you realize that for thousands of years people were working with simple technology using swords and knives to hunt and get food and look back and see that in the last 200 years and see we went from the knives to nuclear weapons, from riding horses to building ships that can travel to the moon and back. Why is it people can't seem to understand what an amazing achievement that is?

Life is an amazing thing to just learn about and there are those that actually wish to get rid of it. It doesn't make sense. As you might have noticed from the title. I believe Life is a dance. Yes just like the song that Garth Brooks sang. He sings about things like saying he could have have miss the pain of parts of his life but he would have to give up so much more in order to do that.

Life is all about the pain and the joy that you can experience because you can never truly value the joy until you have endured the pain and the hardships that have brought you to that point. Life is usually bittersweet. It has some very bitter and sour moments but when the sweet part comes along it is such an awesome and incredible feeling that you are completely overwhelmed with pleasure and gratefulness at the experience. I have felt the pain of losing someone I love very deeply. I would have done anything to avoid feeling that kind of torture and pain in my life because I feel like it is ruining my life sometimes but if I had missed that torture then I wouldn't have had my two very beautiful children who bring me more joy and pleasure then any pain I experience. I look forward to every single moment I have to spend with them and watching them grow and become more beautiful every day.

Life is a dance that is better left to chance. I could have missed the pain but I would have to missed the dance. I could have changed everything if I had known how everything would happen but I would be depriving myself of the true joy and happiness that would be to come. So I say to you never plan for the future and let each day be a new one. Search under every rock for new experiences. Try something you would never imagine you could do. Don't let life pass you by or waste it by feeling sorry for yourself. There are too many things in the world that can be pleasant and joyful to waste. Never regret your choices you make because no matter the consequences there will always be a silver lining that will be found and show you the true joy of life. Your life is your to be whatever you like but don't avoid the hard parts. Do not take the easy way. Experience all the good and bad that this life has for you because in the end it is all simply a dance. A dance that last a brief while and then is over and all that is left is faint memories of what it was like. Don't sit out of the dance because your scared or your worried you will look silly. Just dance for the joy of living. Life's a dance that you learn as you go and don't expect to be prepared for everything. Sink or swim you have to give it a whirl. There are times when you lead and others when you follow but never sit still. Good luck to everyone and have fun.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


ANGER is an emotion and and extremely powerful one. Thousands of things can make us angry but usually it is small and it quickly fades. There are times when that anger is much more powerful and devastate. Times when it threatened to consume all that is good and right in one's soul. It tears down walls meant to stop it and masks to hide it. It takes on a life of it's own feeding off you soul and stealing your will power and strength. It attacks you viciously and directly and violently. It is unrelenting and painful, it makes you cringe and weep like a baby seeking to only deprive you of any happiness that you might wish to have. There is no weapon forged by man that can fight this destructive force that eats souls and joy. Anger is not really a weapon but a FLAME meant to completely purge and wipe away hate and evil that has invaded one's soul and create a new slate where you can rewrite the past and make a new future for yourself with out the blemish that had come close to destroying what you were and would be. There don't fight your anger. Let it work and burn threw your soul. Let it reforge you in a wave of super hot heat and cleanse your soul. Don't go crazy but let it burn threw completely. Allow it to seek out and purify any impurities that have been gathered. Anger only destroys the thing that is bring despair and sorrow to your life. Anger is the way you bring those things into check and take control of your life. Anger is how you decide to not let the world and people to march over and help you stand up and yell "I am back! So stand out of my way." It is the inspiration of those who have fought a battle and been freshly forged into a stronger and more powerful weapon to cut down all the ties that seek to bind you. This is ANGER so use it to control your life and not let the world control and destroy yours with despair and sorrow.

Monday, May 16, 2005


People believe you can accomplish anything with faith. There have been studies that show that prayer really can have a positive effect on things. Faith is something that gives those struggling the hope to endure those troubled times. It makes living life a little easier having a faith that things will be ok if you merely believe. Not all people believe in GOD but there are undeniable proof that great things can be done with faith. Whether is magic or a supreme being looking out for us it is something that can be found and used for good. Faith in something that doesnt exist isnt always easy. It is sometimes like a magic doing card tricks. You know that it is a trick that has a secret that we don't see and it is merely our minds making the illusion real. If it looks real to us though, doesnt that make the magic just as real. Remember even the best illusion is merely a trick that has been practiced to fool your mind. Maybe faith is similar in sense. It is an illusion in which your mind can make real. So always believe in yourself and you will always succeeded becuase you have done your own magic and made it so already.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Love Poem

Here is a love poem I found. Don't cringe yet I didn't write it. Just one that I found and decided to share but it explains how I sometimes feel for a special friend in my life.

You leaned over and you kissed me
I felt my knees go weak

You leaned over and you kissed me
I couldn't even speak

You leaned over and you kissed me
With a passion flowing free

You leaned over and you kissed me
Sparks flew that we could see

You leaned over and you kissed me
A touch so soft and tender

You leaned over and you kissed me
A kiss I would remember

You leaned over and you kissed me
I'm sure I kissed you back

You leaned over and you kissed me
With the fire no kiss should lack

You leaned over and you kissed me
You left me wanting more

You leaned over and you kissed me
My soul you did explore

You leaned over and you kissed me
My heart no longer full of pain

You leaned over and you kissed me
Darling, kiss me once again

- Keesha Kelley –

Saturday, May 14, 2005


Music is one of the oldest forms of art. Music has the power to convey powerful message and move the most troubled of souls. It can pass meaning over miles these days threw radio, internet, tapes, CD's, music videos, live performance's, and even on street corners. They so many different types of music is almost hard to keep up with them all. Every culture has it own style and sounds. Yet songs only last for minutes at a time the inspiration brought forth by music can last hours or years. Music can make the hardest of people break down and cry or make the weakest of them feel powerful enough to accomplish anything. It is merely an inspiration's or does music have some sort of mystical power that actually is able to cut into the human soul and touch it so effectively that it leaves it changed forever? Is merely by singing the words that brings on the magic or is it made threw when the artist pours his very own soul into the mix? Whatever it is. It is powerful and effective. There are some songs that move me so much I feel compelled to join in over and over and they never become old to me. I hope you give some thought into this and for fun I will share one of my favorite songs.

It is called Back at one by Brian McKnight. It is a love song and always makes me think of the special person in my life at the time. Maybe I will have the chance to sing on the phone to someone who has been very special to me recently. This song reminds me of what it feels like to truly be in love as does she.

I ask anyone who reads this to post your favorite song and tell us a little about it and how it inspires you.


The internet is a place full of information and an answer to almost anything can be found there. People go online to do research, chat, find love, play games, look for porn, get music, etc. But the biggest thing about the internet is the anonymity. Anyone can become whatever they want. They can change from old lonely people into young handsome men and search of women. Plain ordinary ladies can change into stunning super models that are the envy of all men. People can reveal only what they want to share and become something they are not. It is amazing how different one person can seem from who they attempt to appear to be. It is sometimes extremely difficult to tell if anyone is for real or if nobody is who they appear. It is an interesting question.

Can you really make someone believe you are something your not? I mean logically you cant change who you are so completely and just turn it off and on like a switch. You can probably pretend but aren't most people smart enough to see when someone is being genuine and when someone else is merely acting. Even in a movie we know the actors aren't really who they appear to be. Yes the performances are very brilliant and compelling sometimes but you still know that those people aren't truly the person they pretend to be. There is always an aura or presence that a person reveals no matter what they say that gives hints into a persons true nature. Maybe some people just aren't as attuned to notice or they simply disregard it as foolishness. I think it is more like instinct warning us about who they are. I believe humans are bad at forgetting to listen to instincts more often. We believe ourselves civilized and superior creatures and forgetting that we still know very little about the true nature of the universe we live in. We are just beginning to understand how things on the planet work and no where near being able to solve huge problems threatening to destroy everything. People are becoming very good at living virtual lives. Lives that aren't really who they truly are but who they want to appear to be. I think it is time we start getting back and listening to those feelings and built in ability to tell from right and wrong to start guiding people as a whole and stop playing make believe with who they really are. Honesty is always the greatest key to success in my opinion.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Strange feelings.

Do you ever get the feeling where you feel like you are flying and nothing in the world could bring you down?

Well I used to be like that a lot but all that came crashing down about 2 years ago when my wife, the love of my life, my first GF, first kiss, first lover, first date, left me for 55 year old man after 2 years of marriage. We had things hard but we were making do with what we had. I still find myself thinking back to what I did that was so horrible, so terrible to cause her to leave. There were times I had convinced myself that I was the problem and it was all my fault. I was completely and utterly shaken. My life was kicked to the ground, dragged across hot coals, shoved threw a meat grinder, then tossed into scorching flames, only to be devoured and expunged as useless waste. It is hard getting over a relationship even harder when you truly love that person and you know deep down you did nothing to deserve what happened.

I seemed to have lost all ambition and the will to get up in the morning even though it has been two long years. I don't cry myself to sleep as I did for weeks and months on end after it first happened but I am still tortured and tormented by ghosts in the night stealing what happiness that I gain during the day. I wish I know how to fix myself but I don't know how but they say it takes time. How much time? Will I waste away before I can pull myself together?

That pain is probably what lead me back to chat rooms and mostly on yahoo. I found one called Christian Chat 20 looking for someone with strong faith and a group to pray for me and save what I was losing then. Needless to say it still hasn't been saved but I did meet friends that made it easier to cope. I didn't keep going back to CC20 for long though as months and days went by, I got angry, very very angry at GOD for allowing my life, my family to be destroyed. What kind of cruel jokes was this? I still feel that anger for GOD sometimes. I feel abandon and hurt that he didn't help. I know that he hears and listens and I am not really angry at him but at my inability to not understand his plan. I begin searching other chat rooms. I went to one called East Texas which was closer to home. Hoping to find someone to sooth my pain but alas I found none. Eventually a friend that I meet from that CC20 chat room got me back into coming. Things were a little different this time.

Either time has started to heal or different more caring people had arrived. One person in particular has been helping bring a smile to my face more often. I find myself looking forward to talking to her and seeing what she has to say but deep down I am scared from past experiences. Scared to get involved, scared to go to fast, scared to tell her how good it feels to talk to her and open up to her. So I keep waiting and waiting worried that I wont be able to be what I would truly want to be. Afraid it is too late to be more than we could be. Worried that I will again have my life destroyed by love. Love is said to be a many splendor thing. I want that splendor cherished feeling but scared to risk too much of myself to get it. I have no answers, only questions. Questions that come and keep me up. That nag on my brain for hours on end. That bring worry to keep me depressed. I want to feel love again but will I ever find it.

First Post.

My name is Robby and this is my blog.

I hope it helps you know me and not think I am a dog.

A poem to be this may be, a poet I am is not what i see.

A creative process is a difficult thing, Oh dear. I am now perspiring.

A Lady of Fire is the one with fault, for inspiring this blog to be wrought.

The torture of this is almost done, I hope it has not forced you to run.

The conclusion is soon to come, because I dont wonder that Earth is not where I hail from.

Dedicated to LucyLadyFireDance for making me a blogger.

OK OK. STOP LAUGHING. The poem is over. Sheesh you dont have to rub it in how bad it was.
Anyways this is my blog and hope it brings you some entertainment or at least makes you laugh at my delusions and fantasies knocking around in my head but dont steal any of my ideas or I will sue ya. This ideas are my own and I dont care for someone making money over my lost brain cells. I look forward to seeing if anyone will actually read this and hearing what yall think. Have a great day everyone.